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We have been building in Slovakia since 2010. Despite our humble beginnings as a small company, we have been one of the most modern and progressive developers in Slovakia.

We have established ourselves on the market, particularly by always offering our customers a healthier alternative and higher housing standards.

The logo of Corwin real estate developer on an advertising banner in Bratislava
The team of experts of the real estate developer Corwin working in the office on an on-going project

From day one, we have tasked ourselves with making each new project a step better than the last. From smaller projects in our early days, we gradually grew and moved towards larger and more ambitious developments in cooperation with the biggest names in world’s architecture and urbanism. Throughout the years, we have successfully revitalized multiple brownfields in Bratislava, converting them into vibrant urban neighbourhoods.

We solidified our position as leaders in ecological development by obtaining a certification for constructing the most environmentally friendly building in Slovakia and Slovenia, where we operate since 2018.. In 2022, we have also opened our office in Prague, Czechia.

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Home Corwin stories How to Get Rid of Stress and Violence? – Let’s Make the City Greener

How to Get Rid of Stress and Violence? – Let’s Make the City Greener

Igor Bubeník
Igor Bubeník
Communications Manager

There are many reasons to support the creation of green spaces in the city. They make the city more beautiful, capture and utilize rainwater, or reduce the overheating of the streets. However, recent research also points to some less obvious benefits of urban greenery – it can improve our health and even make the city safer.

Kvartet, Slovenia

Revitalization of public spaces is the revitalization of communities

Green spaces are the heart of good neighbourhoods, bringing the presence of nature back into the city and supporting active life. They are places where neighbours meet and socialize, thus contributing to the creation of stronger and safer communities. An example of the positive effect of urban vegetation is the program to create green spaces on vacant lots in the city of Philadelphia. It demonstrates that the revitalization of brownfields in the city leads to a significant reduction in crime and vandalism in its surroundings.

Replacing empty land or neglected factories with new projects full of greenery is a social catalyst that discourages criminals and promotes an active social life. According to research by the University of Illinois, city buildings with large amounts of surrounding vegetation faced only about half of the crime as buildings with no greenery in the area. The creation of green spaces and the revitalization of brownfields in the city can thus help revitalize their entire surroundings and create a safer neighbourhood. This means not only a much higher quality of life but also an improvement in the local economy and an increase in the value of neighbouring properties.

Bees at Einpark

The green path towards mental well-being

Urban life can be extremely stressful. Constant noise and hustle can cause exhaustion, stress and exaggerated aggression. However, green public spaces have a relaxing effect and help us reduce our levels of stress and mental fatigue. Walking around a new park, sitting on a green square or just overlooking areas covered with vegetation can reduce our exhaustion and allow us to focus again. Therefore, green spaces help increase productivity and improve mental health.

Revitalized park at Kmeťovo Námestie

Designed for people

The most important part of the effective use of green spaces in the city is their incorporation into community design. Any such space should have a carefully thought through place and purpose – only then can it truly support local communities. That is why we involve world-class urban planners, professionals in natural architecture or local artists in our projects. They ensure that the green spaces of our projects fit into their surroundings and provide the greatest benefit possible. Greener cities are healthier, safer and more pleasant to live in. The revitalization of neglected areas and the construction of green projects supports healthy and strong communities. For us, it is yet another way to contribute to uplifting our surroundings and improving urban life.


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