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Our history

We have been building in Slovakia since 2010. Despite our humble beginnings as a small company, we have been one of the most modern and progressive developers in Slovakia.

We have established ourselves on the market, particularly by always offering our customers a healthier alternative and higher housing standards.

The logo of Corwin real estate developer on an advertising banner in Bratislava
The team of experts of the real estate developer Corwin working in the office on an on-going project

From day one, we have tasked ourselves with making each new project a step better than the last. From smaller projects in our early days, we gradually grew and moved towards larger and more ambitious developments in cooperation with the biggest names in world’s architecture and urbanism. Throughout the years, we have successfully revitalized multiple brownfields in Bratislava, converting them into vibrant urban neighbourhoods.

We solidified our position as leaders in ecological development by obtaining a certification for constructing the most environmentally friendly building in Slovakia and Slovenia, where we operate since 2018.. In 2022, we have also opened our office in Prague, Czechia.

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About us

We are a team of specialists with a mission to develop the city in a positive and responsible way. For over a decade we have partnered with the world's leading architectural and urban design studios to develop innovative projects that enhance nature and the quality of urban life.

Our developments incorporate cutting-edge technologies that protect the health and wellbeing of their occupants, and we are continually seeking to improve our methods and raise the bar for sustainable growth.

A team of specialists from real estate developer Corwin working in the office on project's documentation
A team of Corwin real estate developer's experts consults an upcoming development project at a computer
Marián Hlavačka

Our vision for the future is to become an undisputed leader in sustainable real estate and the driving force behind positive and responsible urban development.

Marián Hlavačka

CEO, Corwin

created investment value created investment value

430 mil. €

future development value future development value

2,2 bil. €

projects completed projects completed


apartments delivered apartments delivered

1 276

apartments planned or under construction apartments planned or under construction

5 000 +

commercial space delivered or planned commercial space delivered or planned

131 070m2

green roofs built green roofs built

16 861m2

green areas built around our projects green areas built around our projects

19 422m2

pedestrian communications constructed pedestrian communications constructed

13 297m2

sportsgrounds and playgrounds created within our projects sportsgrounds and playgrounds created within our projects

3 320m2




People’s wellbeing and happiness should be at the core of every development. That is why we engage with people and their needs in every detail of our projects.

Sustainable & Green

Sustainable & Green

Sustainable development starts from within. We encourage green practices within our offices and support our employees’ efforts to live in harmony with nature.



New ideas are what moves our business forward. Innovation, creativity and outside of the box thinking is a core part of our work.



We expect each employee to grow and improve in their professional and personal lives.



We build upon the natural environment of our projects to make people feel secure, comfortable and engage in a healthy lifestyle.

We Collaborate With Renowned Visionaries

As builders and creators, we have a responsibility to ensure that our work withstands the test of time and contributes positively to the world. We take this responsibility seriously, and we believe that the key to building a better future is by collaborating with others who share our values and vision.

That is why we only choose to partner with names we believe in - partners who are committed to creating a lasting and positive impact on the world, and who will work alongside us to achieve that goal. By working together with like-minded individuals and organizations, we can create a legacy of progress and innovation that will benefit generations to come.

Alles wird gut
CF Moller
Our mission Our mission

Our mission

Creating a Natural Environment for People

We have received recognition and awards from a range of respected organizations
ASB Gala 2017
ASB Gala 2018
Stavba roka
Zelena strecha

Our history

We have been building in Slovakia since 2010. Despite our humble beginnings as a small company, we have been one of the most modern and progressive developers in Slovakia. We have established ourselves on the market, particularly by always offering our customers a healthier alternative and higher housing standards.

Through our ongoing efforts, we've become a key industry player with a strong presence in three EU markets, setting a new standard for sustainable real estate development.

Our history

We create a
unique story


With a vision to revolutionize the real estate sector through the application of modern technologies, responsible business practices, and urban planning that prioritizes people's needs, Corwin was founded in Bratislava, Slovakia.


The "Hello World!" project, Rinzle, has been completed. It has served as a solid launchpad for our future projects' success.


After just five years of hard work and dedication, we finally hit the big time and achieved a significant milestone: we were voted as the Developer of the Year in Slovakia. This recognition is a testament to the high quality of our work, our commitment to excellence, and our unwavering focus on meeting our clients' needs.


As our company grew, we were keen to expand and bring our vision of a better city to more people. We found an ideal partner in Slovenia's capital city, Ljubljana - also known as the green heart of Europe - which shares our commitment to sustainability. Ljubljana has set its sights on becoming the greenest city in Europe, making it the perfect location for us to realize our goals and make a positive impact on people's lives.


Our first LEED-certified project, Blumental Offices, marks a significant milestone for us. By incorporating modern technologies and revitalizing a former brownfield site, we've created a vibrant new living space that has become the heart of the neighbourhood. Blumental Offices offers over 15,000 square meters of top-quality office space that meets the highest standards. In addition, the development has played a key role in the creation of Matej Korvín Square, further enhancing the appeal of the location.


We are proud to have Gehl Architects on board with us, as they have long been an inspiration to our company and champions of people-centred urbanism. Their expertise will be invaluable to our projects, and we are excited about our cooperation which began in 2019


Our leadership in the sustainable real estate market was solidified by EINPARK Offices, which meets the highest LEED PLATINUM certification standard and ranks amongst the top 1% of the world's most sustainable buildings.


Einpark stands out as the sole carbon-neutral office building in Slovakia, paving the way for our commitment to embrace the carbon-neutral era. As part of our ambition to lead the way, we aim to create the world's first office portfolio with LEED Zero Carbon certification in the coming years.


Next stop, Prague. Our expansion continues as we set our sights on the Czech market. We are excited to announce the opening of our new office in Prague, where we look forward to bringing our expertise and innovative solutions to the local real estate industry.

CSR activities

We Support Ukraine

In response to the ravaging war in Ukraine, we recognized the urgent need to provide support to those affected by the conflict. Consequently, we quickly took action by offering financial assistance to Magna, a humanitarian organization that is dedicated to providing medical aid to those in need.

CSR activities

We Support Inclusion

At our company, we strongly condemn hate and discrimination in all forms. We believe in inclusivity and welcome everyone, regardless of their background or beliefs. To help promote a more tolerant society, we actively support causes such as Iniciatíva Inakosť. By working together, we can create a more just and equitable world where everyone is valued and respected.

CSR activities

We Support Local Communities

We organize BlumentalLive, a series of events held at Matej Korvin Square, one of the newest public spaces in Bratislava. These events, which include jazz concerts, dance halls, and activities for children, have helped to enrich the local community and bring people of all ages together. With over 20 events organized so far, we are committed to promoting social connections and creating a sense of togetherness within the Blumental neighbourhood.

CSR activities

We Support Education

We believe that accessible education is essential for building a better future. That's why we're committed to supporting local schools and universities through initiatives such as hosting summer school in our offices, delivering lectures on sustainable development, and providing financial and material assistance. By working together with educators and students, we're helping to make quality education available to everyone and empowering the next generation to make a positive impact on the world.

CSR activities

We Support Our Neighbourhood

We believe that being a good neighbour means being willing to lend a helping hand. When the opportunity arose to revitalize the park on Kmeťovo Square, which is located near our offices, we provided financial assistance and our expertise as a way of expressing our gratitude to the local community for welcoming us . Since then, we have assisted in multiple neighbourhood revitalization projects and worked hard to make our projects the new centres of community life.

CSR activities

We Support People in Need

While we are known in the market as creators of innovative spaces, we recognize that not everyone is fortunate enough to have a roof over their head. At Corwin, we strive to enhance the lives of people in need, and apart from the financial contribution we have also collected approximately 100kg of clothes, shoes, sleeping bags, blankets, and pillows to donate to Depaul Slovakia, an NGO that provides public services for homeless people. Additionally, we donated blankets and pillows to Notabene and gave old furniture such as desks, tables, cabinets, and shelves to a sheltered workshop called Dom Svitania.

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