Domov Corwin novinky
Let’s talk
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Naša história

S developmentom sme začali na Slovensku v roku 2010. Napriek našim skromným začiatkom sme sa z malej spoločnosti rýchlo transformovali na jedného z najmodernejších a najprogresívnejších developerov na Slovensku. Na trhu sme uspeli najmä vďaka tomu, že sme našim zákazníkom vždy ponúkali zdravšiu alternatívu a vyšší štandard. Vďaka nášmu nezlomnému úsiliu sme sa stali kľúčovým hráčom na trhu. Dnes pôsobíme na troch európskych trhoch, kde kontinuálne nastavujeme vyššiu latku štandardov v segmente udržateľných nehnuteľností.

Logo realitného developera Corwin na reklamnom bannery v Bratislave
Tím odborníkov realitného developera Corwin pracuje v kancelárii na akutálnom developerskom projekte

Od prvého dňa sme sa zaviazali, že každý nový projekt posunieme o úroveň vyššie ako ten predchádzajúci. Postupne sme rástli od menších projektov a posunuli sa k čoraz väčším a ambicióznejším projektom, na ktorých sme spolupracovali s  najznámejšími menami svetovej architektúry a urbanizmu. V uplynulých rokoch sme úspešne zrevitalizovali niekoľko bratislavských brownfieldov, vdýchli im nový život a premenili ich na živé susedstvá. Našu pozíciu lídra v ekologickom developmente sme upevnili získaním certifikácie za výstavbu najzelenšej budovy na Slovensku a v roku 2021 sa nám tento úspech podarilo zopakovať aj na slovinskom trhu, kde pôsobíme od roku 2018. V roku 2022 sme otvorili naše nové kancelárie v Prahe v Českej republike.

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Samuel Csáder
Samuel Csáder
Development Manager

Creating new, vibrant and green public spaces is our passion. And we always want to make the next one even better than the one before. That is why, when we acquired the Guthaus project we immediately knew we have to make it better. Reduce the built-up area, add greenery, build playgrounds, create rain gardens and top it all off with green roofs. To help us, we even called in a world-class landscaping architecture studio – ManMadeLand. What do you think of the result?

More than a hundred people watching the concert at the BlumentaLive event at Matej Korvín Square in the Blumental quarter
A team of Corwin real estate developer's experts consults an upcoming development project at a computer
A back garden with a large and varied green area, a gazebo and a barbecue that are part of the award-winning Guthaus project
Panoramic view of the whole Guthaus project with the Račianska Street, the Little Carpathians and the Kamzík Tower
View from the balcony of the Guthaus project over the green park with a garden, a lawn and a gazebo

Green Public Spaces and Vegetation Roofs at Guthaus

The green roofs of Guthaus are planted on multiple levels – from the ground level roofs above the parking garage, through smaller roofs on gazebos, all the way to the extensive and intensive roofs crowning the main building. However, they are not just for show. The green roofs of Guthaus serve an important function – rainwater retention. They catch whatever water falls upon the property and utilize it as irrigation. Whatever is leftover will flow through an intricate system of furrows and ducts into the massive rain garden in the park. There, it will soak into the ground and return to the natural cycle. Not even a drop will flow into the sewage system.


The park itself contains tens of thousands of flowers, plants and bushes, a rain garden, workout facilities, playgrounds, trampolines, a revitalised WW1 bunker and 183 trees. And they are no ordinary trees either. Because of the worsening climate conditions, the greenery in cities suffers a heavy toll. Our “climate-resistant trees” can not only survive extreme climate conditions like heat waves and late frost, they can also fight them. Together with the green roofs, they help break the city heat island effect and cool the city, which can be even 10°C warmer than the surrounding country.

Daisy in the middle of the green park at the Guthaus project
Colourful plants and a lawn on the green roof of the Guthaus project
Colourful tree flowers in the public space of the Guthaus project
The lawn on the green roof of the Guthaus project

Vegetation on the Green Roofs of Guthaus

Revitalising a long-abandoned brownfield is always a challenge. However, it is a challenge we love to take on. Because thanks to all the hard work and despite all the hardships, the beautiful new public spaces around Guthaus are built and ready for their new visitors. And we just can’t wait to open them up for you!

A crane planting a tree sapling as part of the development of a public space in the Guthaus project
Tree planting as part of the development of a public space in the Guthaus project
A worker hammers a stake to secure a tree sapling during the development of a public space at the Guthaus project.
Cycle path in the public space of the Guthaus project
Densely planted lawn and a tree in the public space of the Guthaus project
Swing in the multifunctional children's playground in the Guthaus project
The green and burgundy vegetation in the public space of the Guthaus project
Guthaus public space full of greenery, plants, benches and trees, with a gazebo and barbecue in the background

Public space creation at Guthaus

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