Domov Corwin novinky
Let’s talk
Let’s talk

Naša história

S developmentom sme začali na Slovensku v roku 2010. Napriek našim skromným začiatkom sme sa z malej spoločnosti rýchlo transformovali na jedného z najmodernejších a najprogresívnejších developerov na Slovensku. Na trhu sme uspeli najmä vďaka tomu, že sme našim zákazníkom vždy ponúkali zdravšiu alternatívu a vyšší štandard. Vďaka nášmu nezlomnému úsiliu sme sa stali kľúčovým hráčom na trhu. Dnes pôsobíme na troch európskych trhoch, kde kontinuálne nastavujeme vyššiu latku štandardov v segmente udržateľných nehnuteľností.

Logo realitného developera Corwin na reklamnom bannery v Bratislave
Tím odborníkov realitného developera Corwin pracuje v kancelárii na akutálnom developerskom projekte

Od prvého dňa sme sa zaviazali, že každý nový projekt posunieme o úroveň vyššie ako ten predchádzajúci. Postupne sme rástli od menších projektov a posunuli sa k čoraz väčším a ambicióznejším projektom, na ktorých sme spolupracovali s  najznámejšími menami svetovej architektúry a urbanizmu. V uplynulých rokoch sme úspešne zrevitalizovali niekoľko bratislavských brownfieldov, vdýchli im nový život a premenili ich na živé susedstvá. Našu pozíciu lídra v ekologickom developmente sme upevnili získaním certifikácie za výstavbu najzelenšej budovy na Slovensku a v roku 2021 sa nám tento úspech podarilo zopakovať aj na slovinskom trhu, kde pôsobíme od roku 2018. V roku 2022 sme otvorili naše nové kancelárie v Prahe v Českej republike.

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Investujte teraz
Domov Corwin novinky Včely z Einparku už majú prvý med

Včely z Einparku už majú prvý med

Dušan Valášek
Dušan Valášek
Špecialista stavebno-technickej prípravy stavieb

It is becoming a common phenomenon that winter in our country looks more like a rainy season. Climatologists have long warned that our winters will be increasingly rainy and summers warmer and drier. And this trend will only intensify in the near future which will significantly affect our water resources. It is therefore important to respond adequately to this problem and to build good blue infrastructure, especially in our cities.

Photo by Todd Diemer on Unsplash

Blue infrastructure is a network of water elements and measures aimed at intelligent water management. With the development of cities, the number of impermeable areas is constantly increasing, which interrupts the natural water cycle and negatively affects the environment. In our country in particular there is also exacerbated by a large number of brownfields. They not only take up space but also contribute to floods and water pollution due to the large amounts of concreted areas and remains of disintegrated factories. It is estimated that by 2050, more than 70% of us will live in cities, which in many evokes a legitimate fear of higher pollution and a lower quality of life. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Because we already know in which direction urban construction should go so that we can have a better life in cities and at the same time protect our water resources.

Photo by Nicole Corbin on Unsplash

A return to nature

Water is a dynamic element that flows, evaporates, and is constantly changing. Blue infrastructure should therefore be highly adaptable to ensure that we are able to respond to flood and drought risks. A good example of adaptive blue infrastructure are green roofs and rain gardens. They form a natural rainwater retention system and allow it to gradually soak into the soil. In cities, they serve not only to make the environment more attractive, but also to collect water from the surrounding paved surfaces. This effectively mitigates the effects of torrential rains, filters the water and returns it to the natural water cycle. In this way, they help us to protect our water resources and make our surroundings more pleasant.

A team of Corwin real estate developer's experts consults an upcoming development project at a computer
More than a hundred people watching the concert at the BlumentaLive event at Matej Korvín Square in the Blumental quarter
Panoramic view of the entire Guthaus with the surrounding Račianska Street, the Little Carpathians and the Kamzík Tower
A back garden with a large and varied green area, a gazebo and a barbecue that are part of the award-winning Guthaus project

An example of creating a quality blue infrastructure is our project Guthaus, which combines extensive and intensive green roofs, waterpermeable surfaces and rain gardens. Therefore, any rainwater that falls upon Guthaus will be used for irrigation or returned to the natural cycle. And all this within a beautiful green park, which will serve the whole neighbourhood for recreation, relaxation and sports. It is therefore a great example of how we can already contribute to responsible blue infrastructure in our cities today, while creating a pleasant and healthy living environment.

A forgotten problem

Sustainability is becoming an increasingly relevant topic. However, the issue of blue infrastructure is still unknown to many, despite the fact that a long-term solution to the increased amount of floods and droughts requires a wide network of water retention measures. A well-functioning blue infrastructure requires an active approach on the part of the city, citizens and developers. We believe that more and more people will gradually join us and we will continue our efforts to revitalize urban brownfields, expand blue infrastructure and protect our liquid wealth.

Photo by Marc Kleen on Unsplash

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