Domov Corwin novinky
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Naša história

S developmentom sme začali na Slovensku v roku 2010. Napriek našim skromným začiatkom sme sa z malej spoločnosti rýchlo transformovali na jedného z najmodernejších a najprogresívnejších developerov na Slovensku. Na trhu sme uspeli najmä vďaka tomu, že sme našim zákazníkom vždy ponúkali zdravšiu alternatívu a vyšší štandard. Vďaka nášmu nezlomnému úsiliu sme sa stali kľúčovým hráčom na trhu. Dnes pôsobíme na troch európskych trhoch, kde kontinuálne nastavujeme vyššiu latku štandardov v segmente udržateľných nehnuteľností.

Logo realitného developera Corwin na reklamnom bannery v Bratislave
Tím odborníkov realitného developera Corwin pracuje v kancelárii na akutálnom developerskom projekte

Od prvého dňa sme sa zaviazali, že každý nový projekt posunieme o úroveň vyššie ako ten predchádzajúci. Postupne sme rástli od menších projektov a posunuli sa k čoraz väčším a ambicióznejším projektom, na ktorých sme spolupracovali s  najznámejšími menami svetovej architektúry a urbanizmu. V uplynulých rokoch sme úspešne zrevitalizovali niekoľko bratislavských brownfieldov, vdýchli im nový život a premenili ich na živé susedstvá. Našu pozíciu lídra v ekologickom developmente sme upevnili získaním certifikácie za výstavbu najzelenšej budovy na Slovensku a v roku 2021 sa nám tento úspech podarilo zopakovať aj na slovinskom trhu, kde pôsobíme od roku 2018. V roku 2022 sme otvorili naše nové kancelárie v Prahe v Českej republike.

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Domov Corwin novinky Nový spôsob kúpy bytu – pohodlne a online
Vo vnútri CORWIN

Nový spôsob kúpy bytu – pohodlne a online

Michal Polonyi
Michal Polonyi
Head of Sales

Restless.arch is a phenomenon in the world of social media and architecture. It is a unique digital publication as well as one of the most followed architecture pages on Instagram. Christian Trampedach, the face behind this platform, has set out on a mission to find and showcase the most beautiful, advanced, and inspiring architectural designs around the world. This time, he came to Corwin.

Founded in 2016, Christian’s Restless.arch quickly began to inspire architecture interested minds and has since built an audience of more than 1.6 million followers. This journey began, when a young man from Denmark started creating 3D building models in architecture software. To get inspired, he browsed through architecture pictures on Instagram. He noticed that these pictures are lacking credits, so he wouldn’t be able to find the author or any further information. Christian therefore decided to start his own page, where he would collect these pictures and give the proper credit where it is due.

The name “Restless” comes from childhood experience – his teachers would always reprimand him for being a restless child. Instead of listening to his teachers, Christian channeled his natural curiosity and taste for adventure into creating a revolutionary publication.

Christian Trampedach visiting Corwin's Blumental Offices

What started as his own collection, soon gained momentum, as more and more creators found the page inspirational. The most important thing for Christian was always transparency – giving the proper shout out to the architects, photographers and creators – so that people know where their inspiration comes from. That is why he strictly refuses to do paid promotion or contract reviews. He wants to remain authentic, innovative and curious. The quality of the architecture is paramount. This uncompromising stance is the source of his popularity and his success.

Christian Trampedach talking about his work @Corwin

We at Corwin have found this inspiring. Our projects have always focused on providing modern aesthetics and healthier living but we didn’t know how to translate this into a social media presence. We decided to invite Christian over to Bratislava to show him the city, our projects and talk about his work. Christian also offered to do a presentation for our team and show us the importance of social media in architecture.

Visiting Blumental Offices

Christian liked our green architecture and our way of integrating it into the urban landscape. In his presentation, Christian proved to us how important it is to be present on social media as a brand. To give our style a voice. Not only that, he also explained to us that in today’s digital world, any architect should consider using the power of Instagram to get their work out there and connect with the audience.

Site visit to under construction Einpark Residence

We would like to thank Christian for coming over and opening the horizons for all of us at Corwin. He showed us how we can visually communicate our own style of contemporary, sustainable living, relate to our customers and connect to all the other lovers of architecture around the world.

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